Learn about the coastal environment and how shore life lives in the inter-tidal zone and this life is interdependent and delicious.
Course types:
- Beach and rocky shore: Rockpool safari, various shellfish, sea vegetables, crustaceans
- Tidal mud flats and estuaries: Clams, cockles, oysters, sea vegetables including marsh samphire
- Sand Dunes system (mostly educational): cockles, clams, specialist sand dune plants like Sea Holly (protected)
We will meet at the arranged time and location, and set out the timetable for the day ahead. We will then discuss in detail, safety, tides, legal aspects and legislation, points of interest (geography, geology and history etc.), followed by a brief Q&A session.
For the next few hours, we will forage for our wild delicacies. If circumstance permit, we'll endevour to cook some of our discoveries so that you can appreciate the flavours of the coast.
Be prepared: On arrival, please ensure that you are dressed for prevailing weather conditions, Sun screen and robust footwear.
** Up to £10 discount per person if you can prove you have travelled to the location via public transport or bicycle, or via the use of an electric car (not hybrid). To take advantage of this discount please use the discount code ECOCLASSIC for classic courses and ECOEXTREME for the Extreme Low Tide Course.